Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A dog name Rez scares away sea lion population from the Hyde Street Pier in San Francisco

I am both intrigued by seals and annoyed by them. I like to watch them swim, I like the sounds they make and the reflection of light of their shiny fur but seals are also a hazard.

Due to their bad eyesight they often mistake the dangling feet of surfers as they sit on their boards as fish and treating a seal bite requires IV antibiotic delivery and a few days off your feet. Then there that annoying shark issue! Sea lions are the "Burger King, the Pizza Hut, the In-and-Out Burger" for California's great white shark population. I don't want seals around where I surf and swim and Pier 39 and Aquatic Park in San Francisco are two of those places.

Thanks to a dog name, Rez, he showed them and now city officials are pro dog! From the S.F. Weekly:

Although he had heard about the problems with pinniped infestations up and down the West Coast, "San Francisco is the worst I've seen," he says. He never imagined his dog might be a solution. When he got Rez a year ago, the dog was unfazed by sea lions. But on a recent fishing trip, Rez developed an aversion after several aggressive sea lions charged the boat: "It freaked him out. After that, he would bark at them."

The fisherman didn't set out to banish the sea lions — he just needed to walk his dog. While he says Rez never physically attacked the sea lions, he did run after them and bark at them. Evidently that was enough to scare them off. After he spent several nights walking Rez around the Hyde Street Pier, their numbers dropped from about 100 to zero.


(If you know him, please send a photo of a dog name Rez.)

1 comment:

twin said...


sea lion's are a catch 22...

i don't particularly care to have them swim under my board or come up & bark at me....but if they're not around....i worry.